Monday, April 26, 2010

Golden Leadership: From Lead to Gold

I am the Leadership Alchemist. There, I've said it.

I didn't start out with this as my goal, and it may sound arrogant for me to say this myself. If so, so be it. After 22 years of consulting to, coaching and supporting leaders in many organizations, across many industries, and at all levels of formal position, I can finally state (out loud, if you will) that helping leaders transform themselves "from lead to gold" is something that I do very well.

Why alchemist? The ancient art of alchemy purported to transform a substance of lesser value to a substance of great value. A combination of philosophy, chemistry, and fantasy, some say. I love the image that alchemy conjures, and think it captures perfectly the mix of science, art and 'magic' that is leadership coaching. And it's what I do.

This identity aligns beautifully with my professional purpose: to improve the overall quality of leadership in our world. By my accounts, this world is short on actual leadership and long on rhetoric about leadership. My goal is to help as many people as possible, in whatever you lead, get out there and do it a little better, every day.

Let's get cooking!

1 comment:

  1. Very glad you're here, Sharon, and I look forward to continuing the dialogue online and off.

